June 3-4 , 2009

Class reunions
'39, '44, '49, '54
'59 (50-year)

New Date!
Homecoming 2009
Saturday, Oct. 3

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Manchester College makes President's
Honor Roll for Community Service

Manchester College is on the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll for exemplary service to America’s communities, the highest federal service award for schools more

National spotlight shines

on MC’s new Triple Guarantee

Manchester College soared onto front pages, the nightly news, blogs, college search websites and hundreds of news sites across the nation, and worldwide, with announcement of its new Triple Guarantee of an accessible and affordable college degree, even in these tough economic times.

Go ahead! Google “Triple Guarantee” and “Manchester College.” See what all of the buzz is about! Start here, with the initial news release.

Record $11.67 million in scholarships greet record numbers of MC-bound students

Manchester College is setting records in academic scholarships as more and more students are finding their place more

A word about Manchester's endowment in these tough economic times

Turmoil in the markets is affecting Manchester College in two significant ways ... more

When’s the last time you touched bases
with Spartan Athletics?

Spartans are setting records, competing in NCAA national championships, gathering All-Region honors, hitting the courts, running the bases … Read all about it at Spartan Athletics!

Psssst! Need a job?
Check out my Manchester College

my Manchester College online community for alumniIf you’re looking for a job these days, you know it’s a tough world. Real tough. But you don’t have to go it alone. my Manchester College can help you connect with companies looking for people just like you … more

Financial rescue package provides

tax breaks for IRA gifts

You can give to Manchester College directly from your IRA without incurring income tax on the distribution … more


For details about how to make your gift count for The Manchester Fund, click here.


Get your copy of the new Alumni Directory

You'll want Connections for Life, with more than 26,000 Manchester College alumni listed alphabetically, by class and by state. Contact the Alumni Office to receive your copy in the mail ($27) or visit the Alumni Office ($22).

More Manchester College news

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my Manchester College online community for alumni

Stephani Voltz
Logansport, Ind.
Class of 2012

"I was worried about attending such a small school, but it is the best decision I have ever made. I have been able to contact all of my professors and received feedback from them in a timely manner. I love knowing that my success is not only important to me, but also important to them."

Read more student profiles at myplace@mc >

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Manchester College Office of Alumni Administration | 888-257-ALUM (2586) |